Monday May 30 2022
I’ve been a member of Ui since 1990. A nice person with the username @heldopen posted video of us playing at Toronto’s Rivoli in June of 1995. (I look younger than both of my sons.) Four years later, we recorded a Peel session in London. Like many who do such sessions, we thought we would get to meet John Peel. We did not get to meet John Peel.
I’ve been watching a lot of the Wolong Grove Panda Yard feed, which comes at you live every day from Gengda, Sichuan.
Police Abolition 101 is a collaborative zine based on material by MPD 150 and a report titled “What’s Next?” edited by Interrupting Criminalization and Project NIA. PA101 was illustrated and designed by Noah Jodice. You can find the “What’s Next? Safer and More Just Communities Without Policing” report here. You can download a printable version of this zine here.
In honor of the late master, Evángelos Odysséas Papathanassíou, here is a reconstruction of his score for Blade Runner, as it happens in the movie, with each piece of music in sequence. Who needs images when you have Vangelis?
This newsletter now has 5,000 subscribers, which is great, but only 328 of you are paying. If you like what you see here, hit that button.
I love this new Twitch channel, Danceteria Rewind, hosted by Rafe Gomez. If the name Danceteria means nothing to you, try this overview in Insomniac or the story of Madonna playing her first show in 1982 or this brief oral history from Nick Rhodes and Kim Gordon. None of that even begins to capture the feeling of running up and down between the floors. There was nothing like it. It was both incredibly fun and very relaxed. It felt like the High School of Dancing. If there were fashion police, they had little authority.
Here is my piece on the phenomenal Kristjana Gunnars, a writer from both Iceland and Canada, and a video of her talking to Kazim Ali for the book launch. Her thinking is so steady and useful to me right now. (What else have I done lately? Legit question—all right here.)
Few things are more steadying than a new Liam Gallagher interview. He gets on with the business of life and enjoys himself! And his new single is OK???
This interview with Tobi Haslett is a no skip experience. Perhaps this will entice you to click: “I’m always coming back to the perhaps too-basic notion that every object, every movement within culture, every molecule of collective life, is shot through with violent antagonisms. And those antagonisms don’t look the same all the time.”
Hua Hsu told me this glass company playlist is “supposed to be mellow but not sleepy.” It set Heidi onto a path where “He Loved Him Madly” is all we listen to, a goal facilitated by the track being 32 minutes long. Can’t lose!
I loved “Stupid Black Bull In The Dark,” from the novel Kal by Shyam Manohar (and translated from the Marathi by Winston Berg). Who is this character? Likability is not a concern!

If you’ve been struggling, try the “Japanese jazz when driving on a warm night” playlist, either on YouTube or Spotify. Also, this 2017 Warmth album is fantastic: the Earth caught breathing.