Monday May 9 2022
We were listening to this mix of digital dub made in the UK between 1989 and 1999 and Heidi nailed it: “It’s two things at once. Definitely dub, but it’s got this other part, too, that’s just charging straight ahead.” Not many analog instruments in here, so it’s hard to track the human touch. This is all echo and delay; the signal being fed into the boxes is less interesting than the sound of its degrading. The mix was done by the amazing Death is Not The End. Group? Collective? Label? They are essential archival humans.
All six of the artists in this exhibit of art made in Guantánamo Bay have been cleared for release, though two are still in detention.

Hell Gate is a journalist-owned publication that covers New York politics. Only a week old, they are worth supporting on the basis of this interview with a jails investigator alone. Sorry—everyone elected to any office ever is corrupt and monstrous.
This Maarja Nuut/Sun Araw album from late 2020 is murder spa with extra ghosties.

Rosalía continues to be better than everyone else at everything! You could say it is normative, at this point. She made a 6.5 hour playlist of everything on Motomami and what inspired it. It works incredibly well? I advise not shuffling—go in her order. And then, there is a 50 minute interview with her and Mouloud Achour, both speaking in English rather than their native tongues (Spanish and French). I don’t want to hear anything about Taylor Swift or fucking Jack Harlow or whoever while Rosalía is working at this level. I don’t have time!
The delicacy of “rights”—maybe this is in somewhat starker relief now. Here is an article about what it’s like when countries decide to unilaterally shut down the internet. Not here? lol

I got three years of sobriety on Tuesday, which is enough reason to post this Delia Bathwater piece on nostalgia and addiction. It references one of my favorite books, Ann Marlowe’s How to Stop Time: Heroin From A to Z.
Nine years ago, Peter Weller talked about Paul Verhoeven and the Golem and Robocop’s soul after a screening. I love watching this clip on its anniversary (which is technically Wednesday).
This DJ Muro and DJ Nori back-to-back set is just two hours of uptempo disco and funk. I’ve played it maybe 20 times.